How to register:
Send your registration for the tournament to complete with your full name, mobile, e-mail, NAF-number and of course your finished roster.
· Last day to register is 4/1
Cost is 50 kr for the tournament. Late payment is 50 kr more, that includes paying on site. You will also need to be registered for the gaming convention and pay the entrance fee of 100 kr in order to play in the tournament.
Info in the gaming convention:
Warm up event! Friday 25/1
This is for all of you who arrive on Friday and are hungry for some Blood Bowl!
There will be a Dungeon Bowl set up and we will play Lego Dungeon bowl. Bring your own Lego team or borrow one on site.
The warm up is a drop in event and is free of charge!
Note: Rules will be posted closer to the event.
What you need to bring
• A painted team that you intend to play with
• Two copies of your team’s roster
• GW or NAF Blocking Dice, 2 D6, 1 D8
• Copy of the LRB 6.0/C.R.P.
Note: Don't forget the rules for the three new races: Chaos Pact, Slann, and Underworld.
What would be good if you bring
Blood Bowl pitch with dugouts and templates. This ensures that we will have enough equipment for everyone to play.
The Twin Mountain Blood Bowl Tournament will be a NAF sanctioned event. (If you don’t know what the NAF is go to for more information)
Tournament Rules:
Four games of Swiss pairing on Saturday followed by semi-finals and the grand finale on Sunday. The Tournament will be a resurrection style tournament. Any injuries your team suffers will not carry over to the next game, and no SPP will be earned. The roster you start the tournament with will be the same for each round you play.
Rosters must be TV 1100 before skill packs are added. Any official teams in the CRP are welcome, as well as the three new races (Slann, Chaos Pact, and Underworld.)
The weather is rolled for by the top table at the beginning of each round. The result will apply to everyone’s games.
We use our own Kickoff table.
Buying Inducements:
Only stunty teams can buy inducements!
Teams that count as stunty are the following: Halflings, Goblins, Lizardman (without the Saurus position), Ogre (with 0-4 ogres including stars) and Underworld (without the Skaven positions).
Note: You can still play Lizardman, Ogre and Underworld as a normal team.
Two star players may be bought, but you still need at least 11 regular players in your team.
Halflings are allowed to buy a Halfling Chef for 100k.
Goblins and Underworld (stunty) are allowed to buy up to 2 Bribes for 50k each.
Illegal procedure:
Illegal procedure will not be called in this tournament in order to keep things nice and friendly.
Time limit:
Each game will have 2 hours to be completed. The 4-minute turn rule will be used, unless both coaches agree to not use it.
When the time limit is reached no new actions may be taken, but any started actions are to be completed as quickly as possible.
Any coach that takes part in a match that exceeds the time limit will be required to use the 4 minute rule in all matches from then on.
Before each match you and your opponent must agree on one set of tournament legal dice to share throughout the match.
Additional Skills:
Before the tournament begins, you can choose one of the Skill packages and assign skills to your players. These will be the only additional skills your team will have for the tournament so choose wisely!
Please make a note on your roster in advance which skill package you choose. No player may have more than one additional skill/upgrade/change and no changes can be made to a star player. The skills chosen cannot be changed between games.
Package 1: (5 normal skill rolls)
You may give 5 different players on your team one skill they could normally obtain on a regular skill roll (non-doubles).
Package 2: (1 double and 3 normal)
You may give 1 player on your team a skill they could obtain on a doubles roll as well as giving 3 other players skills they could obtain on normal skill rolls.
Package 3: (2 double and 1 normal)
You may give 2 players on your team a skill they could obtain on a double roll as well as giving 1 other player skills they could obtain on normal skill rolls.
Package 4: (2 normal and Remove 1 extraordinary) Stunty teams only!
You may give 2 players on your team a skill they can obtain on a normal skill roll and remove 1 extraordinary skill on one of your players.
Tournament points:
Win 3p
Draw 1p
Loss 0P
Tournament Match ups:
The first round will be set up so that coaches from the same league do not have to play each other (if possible). Stunty vs. stunty in the first round (if possible).
Tournament pairings will be setup in a Swiss style. You will be paired up with coaches who have a similar score as yourself after each round.
No Overtimes will be played!
The Scoring system has been adjusted to hopefully get the most accurate representation of how everyone has performed. But no matter what is done, there will be ties in the standings.
This will be the order ties are broken in:
1. Total TD+CAS score.
(Count both for and against. Add positive and negative score to get your total.)
2. Head to Head record
3. Most TD
4. Most CAS
If it is still a tie at that point, the tournament organizer will use his best judgment in finding a way to break the tie.
All teams are expected to meet the minimum painted guidelines. They must have 3 colors on them and have had some attempt at making them appear finished. Minimum requirements are 3 colors and based. Miniatures that don’t meet the minimum requirements are not allowed on the pitch.
Sideline figures do not need to be represented with a miniature as stated in the CRP rules and does not need to be painted.
Prices will be awarded to the winner, the runner up, the most violent coach, the highest scoring coach, the stunty cup and the wooden spoon for placing last. Please note that prices may vary from miniatures, dice, wooden objects and diplomas.
A coach can only claim one of these and will have to spread the wealth if he wins more than one.
Other awards may be given out as well; participants who wish to give out their own awards can contact the organizers at to have their award added to the official ones.