måndag 21 januari 2013

Listened up: Alphaspel is your local dealer! (*Free shipping)

As a small sign of support for the Swedish Blood Bowl community, Alphaspel is willing to waive shipping fees for Blood Bowl related miniatures, supplies and accessories for all deliveries to the Twin Mountain Blood Bowl Tournament. Just place an order as normal, with the delivery option "övriga uthämtning". Our contact at the tournament will be Daniel "JammyDodger", or speak with the tournament organiser Christian Sedin "coma" who will forward you to him.

The order deadline is Thursday 24th January, 12:00. Please mark your order with "Delivery to Twin Mountain Blood Bowl Tournament".


måndag 14 januari 2013

Register now to be certain of an awesome weekend!

There is currently 2 spots left for the tournament to be guaranteed a place in the tournament. We will of course try to make room for more coaches as best we can if you are interested to join after the 20 original spots are filled.

Register now to be certain of an awesome weekend!